Google analytics this is a tool that keeps track of your website visits. It also collects info regarding the site visitors. It gives the website owner a performance metrics, showing these three major categories.

  1. How much traffic is coming to your site?
  2. Where it is coming from.
  3. What are the visitors doing once on the site?

Analytics work by tracking tags. It is a small JavaScript’s that need to be embedded on your website for the analytics to work. As the site visitors have landed on your page this said data will be collected and shown in a report on its admin interface.

The majority of the site owner doesn’t know about this, they haven’t known the benefits of this Google Analytics. You can track every movement that is viable for any improvements, also you can see which contents or categories have the least interaction with site visitors. Having this kind information you can make proper adjustment and make your website more appealing to the visitors. Knowing the things that keep your site being visited and what it keeps visitors away is an important factor in making your online business progressive and successful.


Here are some of the benefits associated with Google analytics:


Track your Social Media Presence

Whether it is an online or offline business, social media is a biggest platform where you can showcase your products and services. We can consider the social media as an online shopping mall that everyone is hanging around. Therefore, in order for your social media marketing to be successful, you need to find them at their social gatherings and take them back to the website. Unlike traditional marketing methods with a use of Google Analytics you can easily measure the people’s insight regarding your site. Meaning Google Analytics gives you the entire roster of visitors and social media pages performance plus the hard monetary facts on each conversion.

Having this kind of information you can study what the social media people are thinking and talking about. With these you can adjust your site the suits the masses of social media more. For example, you can analyse the performance of your social media ad therefore you can improve next time.


Keep Track of Mobile Usage by Visitors

We all know that mobile devices such as smart phones are the new trend today and the future coming. Having the power to access the internet on the go is such a tool anyone can’t disregard. Keeping track of your business online visitors should not be only focusing on the desktop or laptop platform base only. Understandably, any business worth its mettle should be headed the same way. Google analytics is the tool you need to analyse the composition of your website to put a figure to the generally held assumptions.

Once you have the facts, it’s easier to tune your site to fit that demographic especially when you realize they form the majority of your website visitors.


Determine the Conversion Rate of Your Site

Obviously knowing how your website is performing is the key for making a great progress and success. Having the idea and background regarding the conversion rate on a website is a critical to the growth of any business. Keeping track of the demographics, the origin of the visitors, the key terms that brought them to the site and bounce rate.

Google Analytics provides all this comprehensive detail for you. Analytics also give this kind of details in a broken down format that are easier to understand.

So having Google Analytics offers great and helpful consumer insight that can give you an idea for boosting sales for the business. And the best part of Google Analytics is that it is free to use for any kind of business.